About us
Our Fancy Schmancy Eggnog is made by Nikhil Kumar, a creamy drink aficionado and enjoyer of good ingredients.
He first made his first extra special eggnog for his girlfriend's Friendsmas party in 2022 when he went all-out with excellent whole vanilla beans, illegal-when-received tonka beans, multiple kinds of top-shelf booze, and local dairy and eggs. He whipped together a frothy, creamy eggnog that won over the hearts and minds of those who associate eggnog with the time in their lives when anchovies on pizza were also considered gross. We all love tinned fish now, and it's time we all love eggnog too.
We believe that local ingredients not only taste great, they make taste a kind of identifier of place and time. You can taste where things come, and in a time of globalized culture, sometimes it's nice to only be able to only taste something in a particular region at a particular time of year.
We're striving to source as much as we can from local farms, and for ingredients where that's not possible (like cinnamon and tonka beans and saffron) we'll buy from local small businesses. And if we absolutely must use a big box retailer for something this time, rest assured we'll try to get more local with each attempt. Big businesses can be convenient, and that has its place. Small businesses shape a neighborhood's culture, and the Lower East Side is a prime example of that. We love our hood and want to do what we can to keep it vibrant :)